Conveyor & Transfer Point Dust Control Solutions

Conveyors and transfer points are a source of dust due to the movement and turnover of materials.

The following are solutions to suppress dust from conveyor system and at transfer points but in most cases a combination will be the best solution.

Enclosing the Transfer Point / Conveyor

Enclosing the Transfer Point / Conveyor rarely solves the dust problem, but it contains it so that it is easier to control / suppress the dust using other methods covered below. A conveyor system generates its own wind travelling in the direction of the material which picks up and carries any airborne dust that is generated at transfer points. This wind also escapes from any holes in the enclosure taking dust with it.

In cases where it is not possible to enclose a conveyor or transfer point it may be possible to protect it from wind using a wind fence. By reducing the wind speed through the area it will give other dust suppression systems (such as Dry Fog) a better chance of working.

Follow the link for more information on DSI DustTamer Wind Fence.

Enclosing the transfer point / conveyor contains the airborne dust.

Dry Fog Dust Control

Dry Fog is a super fine mist (average droplets size 5 microns) that due to the massive number of droplets and their corresponding large surface area are very efficient at suppressing airborne dust. They can be tuned so that they add minimal water (hence the dry fog name) while still suppressing dust. Their low water and air pressure make them ideal for enclosed spaces such as transfer points.

A Dry Fog system is typically used to suppress the airborne dust generated at dump hoppers, crushers, and transfer points. For an enclosed conveyor system, the Dry Fog will be carried by the conveyor movement to suppress dust along the conveyor system.

Dry Fog suppresses the airborne dust.

Follow the link for more information on Dry Fog Dust Control.

NESCO Dust Control Spray System

By adding moisture to the surface of the material it reduces its dustiness (ability to release dust). This is not necessarily bringing the material to its Dust Extinction Moisture (DEM) level but bringing the material surface to its DEM.

By adding moisture to the surface of the material it reduces its ability to generate airborne dust throughout the whole conveyor / transfer system, and not just the treatment point. As a result it is more a dust control solution than a dust suppression solution.

It will also reduce the dust generated at later points through the conveyor / transfer system including when stacking the material.

A NESCO Dust Control Spray System reduces the materials ability to generate dust.

Follow the link for more information on NESCO Dust Control Spray System .

DEM Modifier Chemicals

There are new chemicals that can be dosed into water spray system such as the NESCO above which can significantly decrease the amount of moisture required to control dust. The amount of chemical required is small (ie 200ml per ton of ore) and they typically achieve a DEM reduction of about 2% (eg water required for DEM decreases from 5% to 3%). They are particularly useful for fine material that has problems holding moisture (ie can become fluid) or become difficult to handle (ie become sticky) before they reach their DEM. The benefit of these additives stays with the material through the transport system and provide dust suppression benefits at every handling point. We have a range of chemicals for different material types so please contact us to discuss your application.

Wet Earth can work with you to recommend a solution or combination of solutions to manage your conveyor and transfer point dust. Please call us on 02 6062 3300 or email to discuss your project.